Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Commentary on “Can You Multitask?” by Texas is my home

I completely agree with the blog “Can You Multitask?” by Texas is my home. The author provides good reasons as well as personal experience to make a case for banning the use of cellular phone while driving. Any rational person can agree that a person who is driving while talking on the phone or texting cannot pay as much attention to the task of driving as he or she would if they had not been multitasking. This does not mean that there aren’t other distractions while driving. There have also been cases when other activities like eating or fumbling for a disc or talking to a passenger have created unsafe conditions. But these represent fairly small number of incidents as compared to the use of cellular phone. The author’s viewpoint of comparing this with driving while intoxicated does represent some similarity. The author also provides the solution of allowing the use of hands free devices to overcome this problem. In spite of providing better physical convenience, the hands free device would still not provide the mental attention that is necessary for safe driving.

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